Went back to my hometown-- Perlis on 11- 18 March 2010. It's actually a sudden decision that I had made to go back on my own. Took bus for about 12 hours and I had regret because due to this travel, I'm now phobia to long journey express bus ride. Really no good.. I'm not dare to drink much water because I'm scared that I might need to go to the washroom. Sucks man!! Never mind, I'll always learn from mistakes. So next time, take the plane. So maybe I also should sign up a credit card.
Here is the 1st stop as soon as I reached Perlis. Yee Han, a good friend of mine since we accidentally knew each other since kindergarten. Till now, I think we knew each other for almost 16 years. Wow.. but somehow, I just can't take her personality. Only a few words can describe her, 温室里的小花, 小女人, sorry, I don't know how to say it in English, so if anyone want to know, you can translate it yourself. Thanks. Maybe I'm not that kind of person, so I can't really take that kind of personality. Both of us are just totally opposite personality and point of view. So I also wondering how can I be her good friend after all. Anyway, I had to thank her because she really treat me very well. Thank you.
A food stalls that I used to have my breakfast here. My mom and I like to eat LOH MEE and CURRY MEE here. Can't really see from this photo. So 1st day 1st stop, I had a wonderful breakfast...

This is how I look after 12 hours ride. Look Like a dead zombie.. hahaha
After that we head back to her house. Met her mom, greet her then go to her room. The feeling is still the same because her room didn't change much. Then we start to take photos. I brought her some presents as her birthday presents and her wedding presents. She said she's going to ROM soon, so I just bought her an early gift.
Bought her 3 lollipop condoms, 1 karmasutra sex tips. Well, just hope that they can always have pleasant sex days... ( for the photos of me, I'm not really want to squeeze my breast in purpose but my singlet is too loose.. so please don't think that I want to show off =.=!! hahaha...)
Ok. After a quick shower and a quick makeup for me, I have to wait for that lady like lady to shower and makeup. Oh god, she took almost 20 mins just to put on eye liner and mascara.. But it's ok. I'll just have to wait for her for a few days, but her bf have waited for her for few years already since 17 years old. Now we are both 22, around 5 years.. If'I'm that guy, I'll just walk away from her life man!! But that's love right? It's blind!!! All I can do is wish them luck and hope she can appreciate what she have now.
Ok out of topic already. Then we head to Pulau Penang for some shop!! I brought a purple OCTOPUS shape USB extension only for RM12, and the port beside the octopus, I don't know what that thing call, but it's cheap if compare with the real Ipod port. It only cost me RM 16.90. Lucky I never buy it in SG.
But i used it, that very good. Hiaz.. waste of money again.. sad..
Then we went for lunch at T-bowl concept restaurant. Ordered some drinks and food. Here we go!!
After Penang trip, we rushed back to Kedah to buy bus ticket to Kampar. Then went for a nice supper. Lok Lok-- is something similar to steamboat but there's no chair for you to sit down and eat. Just imagine, a small stall, with all the varieties of food in front of you, take it, dip it in the boil water, then put some sauce on it, eat with other customers that you don't know. Wow.. that's my precious eating experience in Kedah whereby every time we go home late from Kedah, we will go there and have a nice supper!! Love it!! And the soy milk, thumbs up man!! There is no other stall that sell soy milk which you can really taste the thickness of original soy milk. Mamamia!! Oh ya.. forgotten the bus station story. Well, i was having a bad bad cough when i was there, so i went to see a doctor with Yee Han, and i took the cough mixture in the car without spoon. And when the car is on the move, it'll be bumpy right? And imagine again, that bumpy car and i want to take the med, ......, so i accidentally drank too much, like half?? ok, i'm overdosed. So I was so sleepy and i slept. When we reached the bus station, Yee Han wake me up. You know, when your just overdosed with cough mixture and just wake up, the mind will be really confused. Then in M'sia, the bus station is much more scarier than your in the wet market, whereby every one will surround you and ask you where you want to go, and ask you to take their representative company. So i was in that situation. I'm a bit confused due to overdose, then all these malay male surrounding me, I felt like want to chop off their head man!! So I stared at them, they starts to walk away. Thank God, how I scared they will beat me up man.. scary..
Now, I'm going to Kampar. On the way to Kampar,I felt like vomit man... Haiz.. but for a friend that I missed so much, it's worth it..
I reached there in 1 whole peace.. ok.. Then we went for lunch, KFC.. woohoo.. Nice..

Her name is Yong Suik Feng. We know each other since 2004 when we were in Sekolah Menengah Perlis. Yee Han is the 1 who introduce her to me. The 1st time I know her, she's a bit cold, as in she will say yes or no straight in front of you. That's what I think la... I'm not really able to accept that attitude at 1st but when time goes by, she's just being real, not like others so fake.. anyway, we share some same experience and thoughts towards some stuffs. Then we became good friend. Even though during that period, i felt that I might not a good friend to her, but yet, I still like to hang out with her. So strange right? This is fate!! No 1 can change it.. Well, as I get older, the mind set get mature a bit, I mean both of us. We left our family and study outside, also always have financial problem, love problem, peers problem, academic problem etc. Hahaha.. stop talk all the craps. Show you the photos:
Accidentally saw this girl, she's from the same village as me, and I just realized that she's old enough to study in UTAR.. Because when I left Perlis, she's still in secondary school so my memory about her still stopped there..
This is the bear that I bought for Suik Feng. Bought it in front of her and give her on the spot. That's me!! Hahaha.. I don't like to keep others present for too long, I felt sob..
This is Da Mouth: his frontal, bilateral and posterial photos..
And it has a big extra round butt at the back!! I like the butt.. yeah.. bully the butt.. ah cha ah cha!!
Then at night, we met Chong Chun Cheng. A friend of mine since 90's. Means we knew each other since primary 1.
He changed a lot, from spiky hair to Korean like hair..
But he's still that good looking la..
Then the next day we went for K-box!!! He gave us a VIP room because they don't have small room already!!! YAY!!
tired alr...
sexy pose!!! @_@

Then went back to Perlis again.. what a journey man!!! Yee Han came and pick me up at the bus station there with her bf and niece. Cute right??Then we have our supper at some of the shop that we always go during our secondary school time. Nice food, I like the Indian fried noodles...
Then the next day, I take a bus to go back to my old house in Mata Ayer. The bus is still the same. But bus fare increased. From RM 0.90 - RM 1.10 - RM 1.70. So expensive. But luckily i just need to take once. Hahaha...
Actually, i took photos all the way home. But due to my laziness and too many photos, I just upload a bit only. So I show you all how the house look like..
Then I reached my old house village. This place is called Mata Ayer 2. If translate to English means TEARS.
This is the place that I grow up. It look tiny when I was there. Maybe it's because I'm too pampered with HDB in Singapore. Hahaha..
This is the rice field that i always play at. Now it's dried up already. But It's fun to play gusti when there is a lot of dried grass. But just need to beware of snakes and tortoise.

This is my old house. It had been sold. And they renovate it into a sliding door. Other than that, not much different.
This is Hua Yi = Auntie Hua = flower auntie.. Hahaha.. not because of she sell flower but her name is HUA. So we call her Hua Yi. She the most humorous auntie in our village. I talk to her for 2 hours in Hokkien. Wow.. power!!!
My so called grandma.. she took care of me since I was 1 years old. And my sis and bro also was took care by them. And my god sis is also one of their granddaughter.
My primary school. Not much changes.. but it look tiny for me...